Kompetenz für Chipdesign in Nordrhein-Westfalen


Der Bedarf an Chips in Deutschland und Europa wächst. NRW ist bereits heute ein starker Standort im Chipdesign und in der Ausbildung von Ingenieuren. Diese Stärken wollen wir durch eine stärkere Vernetzung der Akteure in einem virtuellen Kompetenzzentrum für Chipdesign ausbauen. Durch die Einrichtung einer Chipdesign-Akademie mit Unterstützung der örtlichen Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen können wir neue Ebenen erreichen.

CHIPS.NRW schafft ein Ökosystem für Nachwuchstalente, die eine Karriere in der Chipdesign-Branche beginnen wollen, und ermöglicht mehr KMUs und Start-ups, skalierbare Produkte auf der Basis von maßgeschneiderten Mikrochips zu entwickeln. CHIPS.NRW hilft, ihre Idee in einen Chip zu verwandeln. Wir beseitigen Eintrittsbarrieren, indem wir Zugang zu einem Netzwerk von erfahrenen Designhäusern und Geräteherstellern sowie zu Designtools, Prototypenherstellung, Beratung, Designtraining und Chip-IP bieten. Darüber hinaus kombinieren wir die folgenden Schlüsselmerkmale für ein erfolgreiches Chipdesign-Netzwerk:


Unsere Mitglieder

12 klein- und mittelständische Unternehmen, eine öffentliche Einrichtung, 8 Universitäten und 3 Forschungseinrichtungen aus NRW arbeiten bereits zusammen, um Chipdesign »Made in Germany« wieder groß zu machen.


advICo is an SME acting as a research and design service provider in Europe, Israel, USA and Canada. Typical ASIC developments are in the areas of Fiber optic communications, wireless communications, RADAR, LIDAR and other sensor systems, power electronics, and radiationhard circuits for satellites.


IMST GmbH is a chip- and system-design house as well as a devel opment center for communication systems and radio modules. At IMST, 180 employees develop ICs and systems with the corresponding antenna technology for applications in the automotive, industry 4.0 and aerospace sectors.

Rohde & Schwarz

Rohde & Schwarz is a technology leader in the field of electronic equipment for radio frequency measurement technology. In the mixed-signal ASIC design center in Duisburg, 40 employees develop high-frequency ASICs in SiGe BiCMOS technologies for exclusive use in the R&S product range.

Cyient GmbH (AnSem)

The AnSem division of Cyient GmbH is a leading provider of ASIC Design Services for analog, RF, mixed-signal and digital chips, specializing in ultra-low-power designs for wired and wireless connectivity.

Infineon AG (incl. EPOS GmbH & Co. KG)

The Infineon AG branch in Duisburg employs over 100 people, of which most are working on chip-designs for automotive applications. The subsidiary also provides regional sales and support services for customers and is active in recruiting new talents.

Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems IMS

With approx. 250 employees, Fraunhofer IMS develops mixed-signal ICs in foundry technologies and post-CMOS processes based on its in-house clean rooms. It specializes on RISC-V processors for embedded-AI, LIDAR and IR sensors with applications in industrial, automotive and medical applications.

Elmos Semiconductor SE

With more than 300 employees, mostly in R&D, Elmos is a turn-key ASIC manufacturer for automotive mixed-signal chips including analog and digital design, test development, hardware and software co-design.

Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FH Dortmund)

At FH Dortmund, research is carried out on mixed-signal designs for on-chip power management, optical sensor readout and efficient digital embedded AI hardware. It is the first university to join the ATLAS CERN collaboration with radiation-hard circuit designs for the ATLAS and CMS experiments.

Hochschule Düsseldorf – University of Applied Sciences (HSD)

The Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences is particularly involved in the design of digital CMOS circuits and on FPGA boards. In the network CHIPS.NRW, the HS Düsseldorf intends to intensify the education of students in the fi eld of chip design.

Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR

The Fraunhofer FHR is the largest research institute for radar technology in Europe. It develops key enabling technologies for applications like imaging, material characterization or security, based on high-frequency ICs for up to 300GHz. Fraunhofer FHR is working on increasing the visibility of the fi eld for new talents.

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